Saturday, February 15, 2014

Longest day ever!

We left the fort and had lunch and jumped on the bus to Jodhpur, our driver didn't appear confident he was going the right way when we hit a fork in the road and ended up asking some locals for directions - nobody uses maps here.  We road along the highway avoiding the usual cows, people, carts, motorbikes, dump trucks and other large trucks and busses and brought tiny villages with small roads. We came across a patch of road that was so bad, it was like concrete blocks and chunks were randomly places and we needed to drive through, we went maybe 5-10 Kms/hr for about 25 minutes, seen signs saying the number of kilometres to the next town but they were randomly placed as it would be maybe 1 km later and it would say we were 5 km closer...

We stopped at a restaurant along the highway and had terrible service and food and arrived at our hotel in Jodhpur at 1:30 am so it has been a very long day.

We have a couple stops tomorrow before we move on to Bikaner I think.  Will post more tomorrow, we are going to bed!


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